
John Wilson

23rd May, 1939 - 28th June, 2024


John's Guest book

3 entries
  • Grace FlynnDear brother John! So sad, and hard to believe your life’s journey has ended. So many memories! You were a good and kind brother especially when I was younger. You will always live on in my memory until it’s time for my journey to end. Love you John! 11th July, 2024
  • Murray JossJohn was a highly respected Ansett colleague. His expertise and honesty made him a very likeable fellow …and he really was ! He shared his knowledge and opinions generously and easily. From my perspective he faced his decline bravely over several years and maintained his active engagement in life throughout. It was always a pleasure to see John turn up to the ‘post-Ansett’ Monday morning coffee group - and of course he never failed to add to the never ending discussions about who did what in Ansett - especially Tech Services. My condolences to John’s close family and friends. RIP. He will be missed and will live on in our endless anecdotes. 11th July, 2024
  • Greg Weston-Green Please accept my sincere condolences. I worked with John at Ansett for 16 years. John's encyclopaedic knowledge of everything interiors never ceased to amaze me. There were numerous occasions when John would provide me with much needed assistance and greatly influenced and educated me as a young engineer "learning the ropes." John's friendly nature and willingness to help will never be forgotten. He was a lovely guy and one of nature's true gentlemen.6th July, 2024